Our Program

MindWare Academy’s program serves students aged six to fourteen (grades 1-8). Our elementary program offers the Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum in a language-intensive, small classroom experience with a daily individualized tutorial. Students in our Intermediate program, which also offers a daily individualized program, enjoy small classes with added electives to allow them to explore individual interests. Students are placed in grades depending on their age. Generally we have a Primary class, a grade 4 class, a grade 5 class, a grade 6 class, a grade 7 class and a grade 8 class. If numbers are low in one grade we might combine two together. There is a maximum of 8 children in a class.
All students receive five periods of instruction daily. Core subjects such as language and math are taught in the morning while physical education and electives are taught in the afternoons. We are on a balanced day which allows children plenty of time to eat lunch and then receive time to play outside at our wonderful park.